Childproofing Your Home

Now that I’m back to watching little people at my house, I have to think about things like childproofing. Here I thought my home was pretty safe. Silly me. Grandbaby girl can spot a crumb on the floor at a hundred yards away. She delights in trying to open all the cupboards and has radar built in that tells her if Gramma forgot to put the gate across the stairs.

Department stores sell all kinds of gadgets to keep children out of places they don’t belong, but soon the house is so locked up you can barely function. Plus there is always some new drive-gramma-crazy adventure brewing in those little minds. One of my other grandsons, age 2, decided to be a mountain climber in his kitchen. The mountain was a big white stove and its door was a convenient ladder. Once on top, he claimed victory by turning a knob. Fortunately it was the oven knob and not a burner. His mom was right behind him and the climb was short lived. I’m glad I wasn’t there to see the action.

I remember one lady I knew had to padlock her frig. And when my youngest daughter was growing up, everything went into her mouth – lego, soap, sometimes even food. So here I am again trying to stay one step ahead of an accident. The latest attraction is my plants. I only haveĀ  two, but they may soon spend their days in a locked room rather than their spots by the window. I wonder if that’s the reason artificial plants were invented?

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four year old boy with blue hat and six year old boy in orange hat reading a book together in a field with cows in the background

A Poem About Children

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Celebrating Your Accomplishments


  1. Hey Carol, I love to read your blog. I got your email and as soon as I saw the words “Every child Needs a Hero” it gave me an idea for an article so I went off to write but now I’m back to read to more. Pretty good stuff. Thanks Carol
    Gail J Richardson

    1. Thanks Gail, I’m glad you enjoy it. I would love to read your article. Amazing how when our brain is in gear, the least little thing can give us ideas.


  2. Sorry I can’t help you with this. I’m a total non-techie. You could try doing a Google search about your problem and see if you find others with the same experience. I’ve done that and have sometimes found solutions that way. Good luck and don’t get too frustrated. As a last resort, you could treat yourself to a new computer!

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