No, this is not a wheel for a sports car. It’s an inexpensive little gadget (under $25) that you plug into the USB slot (called a port) which looks like a narrow rectangle at the back of the computer.

This port is where you would normally connect your digital camera, web cam, flash drive, or even some of the newer printers. Reaching to the back of your computer to plug these things in can be difficult, so the cord of the USB hub is attached instead and then extends to the front of your desk for easy access. Mine has 4 USB slots, so I simply plug my flash drive into one of them and never have to climb around my computer again, which is important at my age.

You know what else is extremely important at my age? A Working mouse!! I am very emotional some days and even the slightest little thing like a non working mouse can set the tone for my whole day. So what do I do?

Non-Working Mouse

For some reason, my mouse doesn’t always work. There doesn’t seem to be any reason and I haven’t done anything new with my computer.

After much trial and error, I found a little trick. Don’t know if it will work for you, but go ahead and try this – if you press “restart”, the mouse still won’t work, but if you turn the computer off, leave it for a few seconds and then turn it on, you’re back in business.

I’m sure my techie readers know the reason this works, I’m just glad it does.

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avery magnetic photos mockup with star, mouse and colored markers
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Magnetic Pictures

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