About Me

Hi there, I’m Carol Bremner and I’m a Supergramma.
I’m really not better than any other grandparent, but I have a secret weapon. It’s called my computer.

When I was 45, I worked in a university library. We didn’t have computers then and I was quite happy at my job. Then one day the whole place was computerized.

I thought there was no way I could learn those machines at my age, so I transferred to the new daycare opening on campus. I spent a year there, taking care of the babies, but missed the library.

So I transferred back, determined to learn. I also started taking computer courses during the summer when my hours were cut.  And guess what happened?

I realized I loved using computers. I got so good at it, I began teaching other people. Now my goal is to also help other women to overcome their fears of technology and use the tools to become the hero of their own stories and to discover and share their superpowers.

I also realized technology was exactly what I needed to strengthen the bond with my grandchildren. Most of them live a distance away, so I don’t want them to forget about me.    And on this website, I’m hoping to also help you to “turn the miles into smiles” by sharing simple tools to help you use technology. Tools like Social Media and Zoom to connect to your world, research and productivity tools to help you use your time wisely, and online tools to help you share the expertise and experience you’ve gained.

Part of being able to connect with our grandkids depends on a certain amount of computer knowledge, especially if they live a distance away. Today’s young people are a computer generation, no matter what their age. Knowing at least a little of their computer world also gives us more to talk to them about. I enjoy writing computer tutorials and would love your input on the topics I should cover. Please take a minute to use my contact form and let me know what you would like me to teach you to do online. But first, I’d love you to  fill out the short form below and don’t forget to check out the free printables to enjoy yourself or share with your loved ones, whether they are near or a distance away.