Stepping Into the Unknown

roadI have been out of the loop for a number of months now but still active online. I’m still creating Udemy online training courses and have a podcast on iTunes called Purpose For Your Life (although I took a summer sabbatical).
I was dealing with some health challenges and didn’t feel a lot of energy to continue with what I was doing in my Online Success business.
But I’ve had a dream for a long time now of helping women realize the potential they have within them and encourage them to succeed in their lives, both personally and professionally. I’ve revamped my website at to reflect that desire. The other part of my dream that doesn’t want to go away is to have a physical location where women can come together to brainstorm, encourage, train, consult, help one another to get to a higher level.
Yesterday my daughter, Melanie, and I went to see a location in downtown Galt (Cambridge) that seems like the perfect place. In fact, I came home and registered the domain (sorry, nothing there yet) and plan to go and get that business name Women Helping Women Succeed (if I can). We are planning to have training and consulting available from the two of us and from any other female members who wish to do so. The facility can be open days, evenings, and weekends as needed.
I decided that in order to confirm to me that leasing this location is the right step to take, I wanted to first have ten founding members to join me and be willing to commit to pay $100 a month for at least three months, so I sent a number of emails out to people as well as posting on a few Facebook groups. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and has made me feel so proud of the people in my world.
As we get going, there will also be the ability for women to drop in whenever they like and pay a very low fee (probably whatever they feel they can afford, since I want to encourage low income women who want to raise their standard of living to also attend). We could start as early as the end of October, that gives us time to furnish the place.
Benefits of membership will include the following: mailbox address, wireless Internet, ability to conduct either large or small group meetings/trainings/consulting, shared office space, companionship, accountability and brainstorming between members, and of course coffee, tea, and maybe even some snacks. And the best thing of all – seeing women grow and fill the potential God has given them.
All of the above to say that if you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a founding member, I would love to have you join us. I’m also planning to set-up a Patreon page for anyone who wants to be involved but lives too far away to be a physical member and will keep you posted about that.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and I’d appreciate your prayers as we feel our way forward.
Have a great day,
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Summer Absence

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