elderly lady on an adult trike smiling in front of a garage

Summer Absence

If you’ve been waiting for my weekly podcast, I’m sorry I haven’t done it for the past two weeks and probably will be another week before I get back to it. I started the podcast in February and am still motivated to continue. But once summer arrived, it seemed my family have needed my time and attention.

That’s the great thing about working on my own schedule. I can take the grandkids out for a swim or an outing. I can help out with things when one of my kids needs me. And if my husband wants to go for a bike ride in the middle of the day, I can do that too. In fact, here I am on the Cadillac for seniors (or at least this senior since my balance has gone the way of my youth).

I was stressing and trying to get my podcast done somehow, but it will be rushed and likely not very good. Instead, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my week and encourage you to do the same. I’ll get another podcast out as soon as I’m able to.

One thing I’ve realized is our work will always be there waiting for us, but the people we love may not be. Take the time while you can.

Wishing you a summer full of good memories,

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country lane with trees and a fence along the edge line during the fall

Stepping Into the Unknown

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[Podcast] Blessings From Your Past

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