Home Business

photo of rows of books on white bookshelves with blue lines located in a library room

Buying Programs and eBooks You Can’t Use

Today is confession time. Computer and information junkie that I am, online marketers are often my downfall. Not because their programs and ebooks are no good, but because they may not be useful to me at the stage I am. Too many times I have purchased products that sounded so amazing, but I didn’t have […]

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clipart of a brown moving box with computer monitor keyboard mouse and lamp sticking out the top

eBay Workshops

EBay continues to be something that a lot of people would like to learn and I will be conducting a number of workshops in the coming weeks. These will take place on Saturdays from 10 in the morning until three in the afternoon. Last year at this time I was doing eBay workshops and having […]

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ebay icon of white faceless figures carrying a big ebay banner

eBay Abbreviations

A bit more about eBay. Although some people will tell you that eBay is no longer popular, my local computer store is now selling software to help you learn to sell on eBay. If you’ve seen it and are wondering if you should buy, don’t. Between the free tutorials available on eBay and the ease […]

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graphic of a pink background with a faceless woman wearing a suit holding a grey laptop with an assortment of makeup products displayed behind her

eBay Success

Last year, my daughter and I taught a class on “Buying and Selling on eBay” at the local seniors’ center. The class was six weeks long and hands-on. Each person brought an item in to sell and we took them through the whole process, from signing up with eBay and Paypal, to writing a description […]

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cartoon graphic of a blond woman with big eyes wearing a pink summer dress holding her hands out with a shrugging gesture of unknowing

WordPress Plugins

One reason I love using WordPress for my blog is because of all of the great plugins that are available. Some of them are a little complicated to set up, so I haven’t tried them yet. But the majority so far are fairly simple. There is a sticky plugin, which I use to keep certain […]

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graphic of a section of the wordpress dashboard with pages comments and websites links hand with pointing finger showing over the comments link

Comment Moderation

I just made a discovery about my comments feature. When I was having so much trouble with spam, I had to stop allowing comments, and I couldn’t figure out why I was still getting them. Later, I installed the Akismet plugin that catches spam (and does a great job too) and turned the comments back […]

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photo of an open grey laptop with a picture of a wordpress dashboard on display sitting on a wooden table with pen and paper phone and cup of cappucino

New Look

Since I am still having trouble with hundreds of porn comments being submitted, in spite of the comments being disabled, I am trying a different wordpress theme. WordPress has a number of different looks and is easy to change, even for a non-techie like me. Some of the themes are a little hard on the […]

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photo of a green soapstone carved bear made by a native indian

Selling On eBay

I have been teaching a few workshops about using eBay for a number of months now, but was never very interested in doing it myself. But it seems every time I turn around, someone is recommending eBay, not just to make money, but as a learning tool for Internet Marketing. I finally decided to get […]

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