Technology and Home Business

graphic of green text of word start and over top of the word finish written in white paint blue sky and clouds in the background

My Learning Goal

Starting From Scratch I have decided to start fresh with my trying to learn Internet Marketing. I have bought way too many tutorials I have not finished and dowloaded way too many free resources I have never read. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running in so many directions and not […]

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game cubes with the letters spelling blog black quill pen and green memo pad in the background

Celebrating Your Accomplishments

A perky young friend of mine has decided that instead of starting the new year with resolutions that often won’t be fulfilled, we should instead celebrate all the things we’ve accomplished in the past year.  So thanks to Lisa, I’m trying to rack my brain and remember what I can. Lucky for her my long […]

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scrabble tiles with the letters spelling out wordpress, the W being the wordpress icon W for representation

WordPress Lessons Learned

WordPress Plugins One reason I love using WordPress for my blog is because of all of the great plugins that are available. Some of them are a little complicated to set up, so I haven’t tried them yet. But the majority so far are fairly simple. There is a sticky plugin, which I use to […]

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a group of two men and three women in their thirties or forties leaning over a desk planning out a work project with binders on the table all around them

World Internet Summit Toronto

My mother and I really enjoyed our time at the World Internet Summit Toronto. This is the first time it was ever held in Canada. There were a couple of highlites for us: one was meeting a lot of the Internet marketers that we only knew online. The other was when one of the organizers, […]

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photo of rows of books on white bookshelves with blue lines located in a library room

Buying Programs and eBooks You Can’t Use

Today is confession time. Computer and information junkie that I am, online marketers are often my downfall. Not because their programs and ebooks are no good, but because they may not be useful to me at the stage I am. Too many times I have purchased products that sounded so amazing, but I didn’t have […]

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graphic of a pink background with a faceless woman wearing a suit holding a grey laptop with an assortment of makeup products displayed behind her

eBay Success

Last year, my daughter and I taught a class on “Buying and Selling on eBay” at the local seniors’ center. The class was six weeks long and hands-on. Each person brought an item in to sell and we took them through the whole process, from signing up with eBay and Paypal, to writing a description […]

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screenshot of the file transfer software used called Filezilla showing steps of how it works to transfer from computer to the cloud hosting service


For those of you who have a hosting service or ever find a need to upload a file to a server, this post is for you. I have tried to learn and understand how to ftp a file (upload it) for a long time, with no success. Then I downloaded an ftp program called Filezilla […]

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2 ladies' hand and 2 mens' hands holding business cards out to each other

Make Money Using Your Computer

Some of these ideas are easy enough for an older child to do, or you and your child could do them together. Don’t disregard an idea as being too difficult, there is probably a software program out there that can help you with it. Make  bookmarks decorated with photos and laminated Create custom crosswords Type manuscripts for […]

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