
Thanksgiving Thoughts

I’m sitting here at my desk feeling very thankful today. Partly because Canadian Thanksgiving is a few days away and that gives me pause to consider all the things I have to be thankful for. In fact, a friend of mine who is struggling to get through chemotherapy told me how thankful she is for […]

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graphic of green text of word start and over top of the word finish written in white paint blue sky and clouds in the background

My Learning Goal

Starting From Scratch Sometimes being a life-long learner is a hard thing.  I have bought way too many tutorials I have not finished and dowloaded way too many free resources I have never read. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running in so many directions and not knowing where I am […]

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Being Thankful

There’s a good reason we should be thankful. Are you?

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Your Ability

Are you using the ability God has given you? Or do you even know you have it?

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Stop Trying Alone

Need some encouragement today? How about Ecclesiastes 4:9 and 10 and stop trying to do it all alone.

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cork bulletin board with a bunch of multi colored post it notes and pins with the motivational quote make things happen pinned in the middle

Building the Chain With Small Steps

Let’s decide on a small goal and be faithful to do it every day. Take the challenge with me and don’t break the chain.

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smiling grandmother wearing glasses with red bike helmet on her head

Is It Time?

I hope you’re having a great Saturday. Even though it’s cold and snowy here, the sun has been brightly shining. Makes me almost feel like going outside. Almost. I went out yesterday to watch the grandkids toboggan and ended up having to go sit in the car because my feet were so cold. My husband […]

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Hard To Believe

The beginning of August, I was off to Atlanta to the NAMS (Novice to Advanced Marketing) four day conference that I attend twice a year. I always get a lot out of the time, both in learning the latest short cuts and ideas and in networking opportunities with some of the smartest online marketers in […]

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