My Learning Goal

Starting From Scratch

I have decided to start fresh with my trying to learn Internet Marketing. I have bought way too many tutorials I have not finished and dowloaded way too many free resources I have never read. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, running in so many directions and not knowing where I am going. I am forcing myself not to buy or download anything else until I use what I have. It has been harder than I thought and I am beginning to wonder if there is an information addicts anonymous for people like me.

To follow along with me, I have set up a blog at


I’m one of those people who love new gadgets and love to learn new things. That’s all well and good, but there comes a point where I need to use the new gadget or finish the new course before I go on to the next shiny object I see.

I’ve decided one of my biggest problems is that I don’t finish what I start. Don’t ask me why, but once I skim over the course or have a quick look at the instruction manual, I’m looking for something new. I’ve gotten to the point that I’m surrounded by unused gadgets still like new, and half done courses crying out for me to finish.

I’ve got to form a new habit and finish what I start or use what I purchase. I know it takes 21 days before it becomes a part of me, so please check with me at the end of May and hold me accountable.

So here are the things I’m working on for the month of May to help me accomplish my learning goal of finishing what I start:

1. I’m going to complete an Internet marketing course I bought at least a few years ago. Some things might even be out of date, but I have to finish it to create my new habit. There are two binders of notes and I’m on the last half of the second one. So every morning lately I’ve been reading at least a few pages.

2. I am going to totally finish my first info product and get it ready for customers. Actually, I have finished the guide, it’s called “Creating Newsletters Your Grandkids Will Treasure” and is 44 pages long. Right now I’m completing the half dozen worksheets that will accompany it. I’ve also recorded audio of the text (had to do that twice because I kept running out of breath and had all these long pauses in it). So just a few more tweaks and then I’m going to burn it onto CD and put it up for sale.

When I write it down like this it seems I’m almost at the finish line for both projects, yet I’m getting slower and slower.

My progress reminds me of a study I once read about. Two groups were asked to keep their hands in cold water. The group that were given a specific time frame were able to do it. The other group, because they had no idea how long it would be until the task was over, were not able to keep their hands in the water.

Guess that means I need to give myself a deadline so I know this isn’t going to continue indefinitely. How much more time should I give myself? Do you struggle with completing goals?

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