
Overcoming Learning Challenges

The man I mention in today’s motivation left school at 16 and had learning challenges. But he succeeded, and so can we.

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Thoughts Limiting Success

Are your thoughts getting in the way of your confidence and success in life?

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Losing Focus

When you are losing your focus and motivation, here’s an idea for getting it back.

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Good Friday Thoughts

On this Good Friday, let’s focus on all the good things in our lives.

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Why Keeping Your Focus Isn’t Easy

Sometimes keeping your focus isn’t so easy. Today we’ll talk about why.

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young beautiful woman looking out the window with a reflection of an elderly lady looking back at her

Looking Back and Pressing Forward

Every year brings another birthday, another year older, another milestone. Today I’m looking back at life as it once was and pressing forward to another life ahead. Join me as I reminisce, won’t you? I remember: running up the stairs and still full of energy at the top looking in the mirror and seeing myself […]

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Today is National Day of Hope, so I thought I’d write about one of our hopes. Next week would have been the 6th birthday of my great-granddaughter Sara. It’s been a while since she left us, not long after her second birthday, the result of a tragic accident. Every day we think of her and […]

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game cubes with the letters spelling blog black quill pen and green memo pad in the background

Celebrating Your Accomplishments

A perky young friend of mine has decided that instead of starting the new year with resolutions that often won’t be fulfilled, we should instead celebrate all the things we’ve accomplished in the past year.  So thanks to Lisa, I’m trying to rack my brain and remember what I can. Lucky for her my long […]

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