Crazy Talk

I’ve been playing with a new program that I have called ‘Crazy Talk’ and having a great time. I recorded my voice and attached it to a birthday card that features an animated picture of a dog (can’t help it, I like dogs). The dog’s lips move and my voice comes out – very cute. I sent it to one of my granddaughters and am waiting to hear what she thought of my original card.

Then I got a picture of myself, used the wireframe tool to fit my facial features and again recorded my voice. This time my lips moved and eyes blinked as I spoke. I spent so long on this and was having so much fun with it that my husband finally told me I should get off the computer and quit wasting my time.
I tried for a while to do the same thing with the picture on my website, but it’s more complicated, so I haven’t mastered it yet. Generally the program is very easy to use and great fun.

Do you like to look for fun creative things to do both online or off?

Here is something else I came across while I was browsing.

Creative Computer Crafts

If you enjoy computer crafting, the people at Crafty PC have a book called “Creative Computer Crafts” that has a number of interesting crafts you can try. The book is going out of print, so it’s available right now at a very good price. If you are outside of the U.S., beware of shipping charges though. It would have cost me four times the price of the book to have it shipped. So I’ll have to get it sent to my daughter’s place in the states.

It doesn’t benefit me in any way if you purchase the book, but I do have a special reason for recommending it. You see, my Creative Home Computing site is listed as one of the useful resources. This post is my way of saying thank you.

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