
Today is National Day of Hope, so I thought I’d write about one of our hopes. Next week would have been the 6th birthday of my great-granddaughter Sara. It’s been a while since she left us, not long after her second birthday, the result of a tragic accident. Every day we think of her and we miss her. My grandson and his wife have had two children since then and we love them dearly, but no one could ever replace Sara in our hearts.

Our hope is that she is resting in the Lord’s arms and some day we will see her again. Without hope, mankind would be more than miserable. But we do have hope, not wishful thinking, but the quiet assurance that comes from trust. If you have children or grandchildren that are no longer with you, don’t despair. Remember and treasure the memories, trust in God and look to the future.  Morning will come again.


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  1. Thank you for this reminder that we always have hope. My belief in God always builds up my hope and strengthens me to carry on.

    1. Reply

      I couldn’t have said it any better than that.

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