Organizing Computer Files

It seems this is the third time I’ve written about organizing my computer files. Every time I think they’re under control, I realize I can’t find a product I bought and downloaded.

This time I took every print-out of a downloaded file or program, numbered it and wrote the corresponding number, along with the item name, description, and price in a notebook. Then I could see at a glance exactly what I had and how much I’ve spent over the last two years. (At this point I was beginning to feel a little sick about where my money was going.)

Since I’m a visual person, the notebook was just what I needed to shock me into finding everything I had purchased. Two hours later, every file was unzipped and put into folders with readable names. I realized that I already had two programs that I was considering buying and had one that didn’t work properly. Had I used the product when I bought it, I could probably get a refund, but not after all this time.

I’m a very organized person at home, but computer files are a little harder to keep under control. Now I’ve got a folder labeled “to read” and another one labeled “to do” that I hope will help me.

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