Psalm 5:11 – Be Glad

How silly it would be if we carried an umbrella with us, but didn’t use it for our protection when it rained? In the same way, God says that He spreads His protection over us, but how often do we disbelieve that, instead of taking refuge in Him from the storms of life.

I still remember a time when my son was a little boy and we were visiting a friend who lived in a large high rise apartment building. While we were visiting, the fire alarm went off and the sound of it was deafening. My son had never heard anything like it and began to run around the apartment, terrified and screaming at the top of his lungs. The whole time I was right there, calling out to him and ready to take my little boy into my arms and comfort him. But in his terror, he was unable to hear anything but the alarm. How often are we like that when the terrors of life fill our ears and our eyes?

In the book ‘When God’s People Pray’ by Jim Cymbala, he says “God is deeply concerned when His children are burdened by anxiety, in much the way parents are concerned about their children. It is tragic that we often worry ourselves to death when God’s supernatural peace is only a prayer away.”

Next time the alarm bells go off around you, remember God is waiting for you to come to Him for peace. Will you do that?

Psalm 5:11 – But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.


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