Facebook – What I Don’t Like About It

Facebook is one of our family’s favorite sites, allowing us to stay connected no matter how far away we live. My children upload photos of the grandkids and update us on their lives. One quick post and our entire large family all know what’s going on. It’s a great way to keep in touch and keeps us feeling closely knit.

The one thing we don’t like about Facebook is the fact that people who aren’t members of our family might also see those pictures and read those anecdotes. And it’s been fairly confusing to adjust the privacy settings properly. Well, I managed to find a video that takes you step by step through the process. If you prefer to read, there are detailed directions found by clicking this link for the Social Media Examiner website.

All of my family are on Facebook, so it was just a matter of time before I registered too. It’s nice to keep up with what everyone is doing and much easier to post photos once for all to see.

And that is the one thing that I also don’t like about Facebook. The fact that if someone on my friends list posts photos, it’s possible for people that I don’t even know to see them.

For example, someone where my daughter works tagged a picture of her, so it showed up in daughter’s tagged photos. When I clicked on the photo, I was taken to the group of photos it was originally with. In this case, pictures of the company party. So I was able to look at all of the photos this other person took even though I don’t know her at all.

Maybe I’m being too sensitive about it, but I don’t like the fact that private pictures are not really private at all!

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  1. “Maybe I’m being too sensitive about it, but I don’t like the fact that private pictures are not really private at all!” – This is, of course, an issue that you are absolutely right in feeling concerned about. But, with Facebook, I believe their is a preference that you can use to only allow friends to view your photos and profiles and such. Also, a great rule of thumb is to not put anything on the Web that you don’t want anyone else to look at. Thanks for the site and all that you have done on here. Good stuff…:) Take care and all the best.


  2. Reply

    Thanks so much Lyle for the kind words about my site. It’s a labour of love – although sometimes more on the labour side.

  3. Maybe I’m wrong(and if so I apologize)but I thought it was possible to make photo’s private at Facebook. It certainly is possible at Flick’r to make photo’s private, which might be a good place to transfer any photo’s too.

  4. Reply

    Thanks for the tip Robert. I’ve never tried Flick’r. Guess I better go and check it out.

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