Image Sharing on a Mac Computer

If you are a mac computer user, I have a good image sharing program for you to check out.

You can snap a picture of a website, capture a chat moment, take a screenshot of an application, quickly sketch an idea, even add notes with arrows and circles to point out specific things.

You can find out more at I have not personally used this program although I was all ready to get it until I found out I needed a mac. If anyone knows of a program this good for the pc, let me know. (I am saying it’s a good program because of things I’ve heard from other people, so thought I’d pass it on.)

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    • zal
    • Wednesday

    I’m using Mac since last month. I only feel that I lost 13 years of not enjoying the real computer experience.
    I don’t know it’s coincidence or what..but just yesterday i downloaded Skitch.
    Yes, it’s awesome! The place where I’ve read about skitch, also mentioned Snugit as an alternative for PC. I never used it on PC, because it’s not free.
    The best screen shot program is by Faststone. It used to be free. I tried all of them, at least 10-12. that’s the best.
    BTW, I saw your post on Lynn Terri forum.

  1. Reply

    Oh, you make me jealous with your comment about the 13 years. I just bought a new computer this week and since I was afraid to make the leap, I ended up with another pc. Rats!

    glad to have you come from Lynn’s forum.

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