Today In History

Your first challenge is to search the web and find out what happened today in history. (Depending on which day you take the challenge, your answers may be different.) Then let all of us know how your search went. Was it difficult?  Did you find any unusual facts?  Anything else that you discovered?

Using google as your starting point, see what you can dig up from the pages of the past.

Here’s what I learned about today in Canada:

March 24th

Did you know that on this day, March 24, 1837, black citizens were given the right to vote in Canada?

Wow. What a sober thought but at the same time how exciting that must have been for them. So many emotions I’m sure. Could they all express themselves? Did they realize just how great things would be this time in the future?

In 1761, German soldiers and settlers establish the first Lutheran Church in Canada, in Halifax.
Fascinating isn’t it?

In 1853, the anti-slavery newspaper “The Provincial Freeman” was first published in Windsor. Mary Ann Shadd Cary became the first black woman publisher in North America.

While I am sure there were many more great facts I could uncover, this was what I easily un-earthed with a quick 2 minute Google search. There is so much available information to be found on the Internet today that it is impossible not to be enthralled with the opportunities.

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