World Internet Summit Toronto

My mother and I really enjoyed our time at the World Internet Summit Toronto. This is the first time it was ever held in Canada. There were a couple of highlites for us: one was meeting a lot of the Internet marketers that we only knew online.

The other was when one of the organizers, Brett McFall, found out that mom was 84 years old, has a blog, and has made some money online. He had her stand and introduced her to everyone there. If you happened to watch the videos, that happened on the last day.

This has been a great four days of top Internet marketing speakers showing us how they think, how they work, and the products they use to help them.

Today, Mike Stewart talked about using video and showed us onstage how to record and get it onto a blog in only a few minutes. Very informative and enjoyable to watch – he’s got quite a sense of humor.

So far I’ve met a lot of interesting people and a number of them have been interested in my ghostwriting service. Quite a few Canadian warriors (name of an Internet marketers forum) are here, so it’s nice to get together. I am with my 84 year old mother, who is a blogger, so it’s never too late to get in the game.

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  1. Reply

    Have sent a email to the website(ForWISinToronto) that I am receiving the video fine, but only static for the audio. Anything you can do to assist would be appreciated.

  2. Reply

    If you are still having problems Robert, please let me know and I will contact them. I think you can access that site to watch the videos for 30 days – after which time they will probably charge mega bucks for it.

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