Attending a Webinar

I attended my first webinar on the Internet recently and found it very intimidating. I signed in and then couldn’t hear anything and the screen on the site was a static page. I had no idea what to do next!

There was a phone number to call into as well, so I took that to mean I could phone and listen, or click on the webinar link and watch and listen.

Wrong. Both things were meant to be done simultaneously. Since my phone is in the kitchen, not an easy feat. Anyway, I didn’t know that at the time, so…… I watched and watched, nothing happened, and I finally turned the computer off in disgust.

Now that I am more familiar with a webinar, I either wait a few days until the sound and powerpoint are put together on the site, or I take my laptop into the kitchen, sign in to the webinar to watch the slides, and phone the teleseminar number to listen in.

Now I know how my grandkids feel on the first day of school!

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