Computer Club Update

I started a new computer club at the community center here in town. When we lived in Toronto, I ran one that became very popular with the over 50 crowd. And we didn’t even have computers there. We just discussed our problems and gathered around a laptop I brought in (no Internet).

Anyway, the new club is off to a slow start, but that’s normal until the word gets around. We have six computers and people can drop in and work on whatever they like. For instance, some of the people are taking evening computer classes once a week, but they want to practice what was taught. I’m there to help if needed and I usually bring in any new gadgets or computer books I find. Plus the week’s computer ads, which we discuss.

This week, one of the members started a document in Word and then pressed the email icon to see what it would do. I’ve never done my emails in Word and was pleased to see how this worked. Right away, the email toolbars appeared above the post. We were then able to add a photo and a fancy cursive signature. We even added a little audio file. Through teamwork, we all learned a little and enjoyed the time.

Another person wanted to create a table in Word. Easily done, but I wasn’t sure if it we could sort the contents of the table, since I’d never done it there. But the table function sorted easily, both for alphabetic and numeric data. Nice and easy to use if you don’t really need a full database program.

Bottom line: working together, we all learned a lot, had a good time, and look forward to next week.

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