Have a Bonding Day

One of my grandaughters is in second year university, a two hour drive away from us. She had a couple of days break over the holidays and came out to visit for a bit. We had a wonderful afternoon together doing what she liked best – shopping and the hairdresser.

Our day started at noon so she could sleep in for a change. Then off for pizza lunch and to hit as many stores as we could before the day was over. She had a great time with all the boxing day sales and was quite proud of her shopping expertise. Then we finished at the hairdressers, with haircuts for each of us.

We shopped until I dropped, but it was well worth it to spend the time doing what my grandaughter most wanted to.  And I appreciate that she wanted to do it with me!

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  1. My story parallels yours. My daughter is a teacher and on a recent ProD day realized she had forgotten to arrange for a baby sitter. Granny G to the rescue. My 9 year old granddaughter, like yours, loves to shop. So we shopped the mall, then went for a round of mini-golf, lunch and back to shop some more until Gran was ready to drop. We had to visit one of those stores that is full of bling for little girls but it Granny who scored – I found the perfect case for my cell phone, purple with little green frogs on it. It was a great day!

    1. Hi Gillian, thanks so much for commenting. That sounds like a perfect way to spend the day with a tween. I bet that’ll be a fond memory for your granddaughter for years to come!

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