Ode To The Supergramma

grandchildrenWhether you are a physical grandmother or you have taken on the role of being a special mentor to young people, welcome to our community.

We are so glad you’re here.

She comes by plane, she comes by car,
She uses a computer when she can’t go far.
She’s interesting and active,
Well read and lots of fun;
And although her world is busy
The grandkids are number one.

Grammas come in different sizes, shapes and colors, ways of dress.
Some Grammas let kids play and run and even make a mess.

A Gramma can be young or old, some travel and some cook.
Others like to exercise, or sit and read a book.

Ava, Memaw, or Granny, Grandmother or Grandma,
No matter what you call us, as long as it’s not Paw.

We’re SuperGrammas, yes we are, with hugs and lots of love
Because children need a hero so that they can rise above.

Our grandkids mean the world to us. We want them to be strong.
Able to cope with the cares of life and stand against the wrong.

So join us in our quest for good. It might be quite a war,
But Supergrammas won’t give up. Together we can soar!

We’re Supergrammas!

© Carol Bremner 2010


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